This model has a fridge on the top compartment and two freezer drawer compartments - C320ANEIA3B112AA
C320ANEIA3B112AA ‐ Fridge Top/ Fridge and Freezer Bottom ‐ AC/DC ‐ 11 cu. ft. (5.5 cu.ft./5.5 cu.ft.) 2‐ drawer fridge/freezer on bottom
C320ANEIA3C112AA ‐ Fridge Top/ Freezer and Freezer Bottom ‐ AC/DC ‐ 11 cu. ft. (5.5 cu.ft./5.5 cu.ft.) 2‐ drawer freezer on bottom
C320ANEIA7A112AA ‐ Fridge Top/ Fridge and Fridge Bottom ‐ AC/DC ‐ 11 cu. ft. (5.5 cu.ft./5.5 cu.ft.) 2‐ drawer fridge on bottom
Volume: 5.5 cu ft.
Dimensions: 34h x 24.6w x 23.4d
Power Consumption W/24Hr: 400
Weight: 209 Lbs.
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